Marketing Agency Pricing Tool

Is your marketing agency charging enough?

Better Way CPA's pricing tool for marketing and creative agencies will give you a starting point to determine if your marketing agency is charging adequate prices to be profitable. This free download includes an Excel workbook with step-by-step instructions, along with a webinar on how to use the tool.

An accurate estimator that takes into account expenses, salaries and benefits

Discover ways to make your marketing agency run more efficiently

Identify expenses that are too high and areas where expenses can be cut.

Analyze your agency's gross and delivery margins

Sign up for the Pricing Tool Workbook and Webinar

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What's the catch?

There is none! We promise not to spam you and not to share your information. During this period of time we are just trying to be as helpful as possible to as many small businesses as we can. It’s our pleasure to share a free resource that you’ll find useful. Keep our firm in mind the next time you have a question about accounting or other financial matters.

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